Wednesday, October 21, 2015

German Kraut Rounds

It's October. Which means German food. Lots and lots of German food.

One of our family favorites is Kraut Rounds. Nothing but doughy pillows of beef and sauerkraut goodness. And super easy to make. Here's what we do:


For The Filling: 
1 Tbl. Canola Oil
1 Lb. Ground Beef
1 yellow or sweet onion, finely diced
1 Cup Sauerkraut
Salt & Pepper to taste

For The Pastry: 
2 Cans Large Buttermilk Biscuit Dough
1 Egg + 1 Tbl. Water mixed together for an egg wash


Preheat your oven to 375.

Heat oil over medium high heat, and then add the onions. Saute until soft, and then add your ground beef. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Continue to cook, breaking up the ground beef, until it is fully cooked. Drain off any extra oil/fat. Turn off the heat and stir in the Sauerkraut.

Prepare your dough, by rolling out each piece of biscuit dough to about 6" diameter (or so). Place 2 Tbl. filling inside each piece, and then wrap the dough around the filling, and seal with your fingers, simply squishing together the folds. Place on a well oiled cookie sheet, about 1" apart, and then brush with the egg wash. Cook for about 5 minutes longer than what the directions on the can calls for. Serve with some Spaetzle, and some German mustard, and enjoy!!!

Because Eating Good Is A Calling Of It's Own! 
The Fat Pastor

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