Saturday, May 30, 2015

Homemade Ginger Beer (non-alcoholic)

2 lbs. Fresh Ginger, peeled and chopped.
4 Cups Water, divided
1/2 Tsp. Black Peppercorns
1 Tsp. Cayenne, divided
2 Cups Lime Juice, divided
18 oz. Agave Nectar In The Raw

To serve:
Club Soda
Lime wedges

It is much easier to make this in 2 batches, so basically cut everything in half, and follow the instructions twice! I keep my concentrate in a big growler, and supposedly it keeps for 3 weeks, but mine won’t last that long to find out!

Place the ginger & 1/4 Tsp. Black Peppercorns in a food processor with 1 cup of water, and blend for 3 minutes. Strain into a large bowl, and then put the ginger mash back in the food processor with another cup of water. Blend ag
ain for 1 minute. Strain into the large bowl over a mesh sieve, and then use your CLEAN hands to squeeze every last bit of liquid from the ginger mash. Throw out the mash. Strain the reserved liquid into the food processor, and add 1 cup lime juice, 1/2 Tsp. Cayenne, and half of the agave nectar. Blend for about 30 seconds, and then strain into whatever you plan to keep it in! Put it in the fridge and let it get cold!

To Serve: 
Pour 2-3 ounces into a glass over ice (optional) and then add club soda to top off. Serve with some lime wedges and you’re good to go!

Because Eating Good Is A Calling Of It's Own, 
The Fat Pastor

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