Friday, May 10, 2013

Pigs In An Italian Briefcase


I don't know - It just seemed right. This is much more mature than pigs in a blanket...

The first thing we made at Bacon Fest 2013 was this amazing combination of crescent rolls and bacon. It's extremely simple, but was definitely one of the favorite items on our man-u (instead of menu? See what I did there?)

The bacon, of course, was the star - but to the bacon we added crescent rolls, cheese, and our Italian friend - Pepperoni.

I feel like I'm gaining weight just TYPING this. But oh, was it worth it!

If you're a man - you need to try this recipe.

If you're a woman who appreciates bacon - you need to try this recipe.

If you're a mom with boys - you need to try this recipe.

Okay, if you're breathing... you really should try this recipe. It'll take you 20 minutes probably start to finish. That's nothing when you get to consume some of God's greatest gifts to people who eat food: Bacon, Pepperoni, Cheese, and Bread.

Good Lord, I'm getting hungry just writing about it!

Pigs In An Italian Briefcase

Ingredients: (makes 8 rolls)

1 Can Of Crescent Rolls
16 Slices Bacon, Cooked
24 Slices Pepperoni
Shredded Italian Cheese Mix (Mozzarella, Parmesan, Asiago, Romano...)

Check the can, and heat the oven to the required setting.

Roll out the crescent rolls on a greased cookie sheet. On each roll, sprinkle some cheese. For the next layer, add 2 slices of bacon. On the next layer, add 3 slices of Pepperoni. Add a little more cheese. Roll them up, sprinkle some cheese on the top, throw em in the oven and cook according to the directions on the crescent roll can. You can thank me later!

You  might also want to pray before you eat. I'm not sure how much it's going to help to ask God to "bless it to the nourishing of your body," but it's worth a shot!

Because eating good is a calling of it's own!

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